Monday, May 17, 2010

The Man Who Can't Be Moved Ch 27 Teaser

We're getting close to the elopement. One chapter away before they jet off to Paris!

So... here it is. Should be finished and posted within a couple of days (as long as RL stays good to me) so that I can get the elopement chapter out next Monday to coincide with the Twitter readalong.


“I’m going to look into Tyler’s story,” Edward said causally, as if there was nothing serious about his statement at all.

I opened one eye and peered over at him. “Why?”

“Just a precaution. You believe him and I trust your judgment, however, it would be nice to have some sort of confirmation that his story about his mother is in fact true,” he explained.

I opened my other eye and just stared at him, wondering where this sudden mistrust of everyone came from.

He continued, knowing exactly what was circling my mind. “I’ve become cynical in my old age. I’ve seen too many people in this industry use others for their own benefit and lie, cheat, and steal—not to mention perform the odd sexual favors—to get ahead. I want verification that his mother is ill. That’s all.”

“Fine. You having that private investigator guy dig into it?”

“Sam Uley, love,” he corrected with a smile. “And yes, I am. How did you know about him?”

“I saw his card sitting on your desk. Why do you need it?” I leaned back again and stared into the blank, dark purple sky. “I want to see stars wherever we move to. It’s too fucking hazy in this town to see any stars,” I blurted.

“All right,” he chuckled. “You want stars, you’ll get stars.”

“The Uley guy?” I prompted.

“He’s a friend of Jasper’s.”

I knew that wasn’t it. “And? Do I have to pry it out of you, Edward?”

He huffed. “No, of course not. I just don’t want you to be alarmed, that’s all.”

“Why would I be alarmed?”

“I hired him to look into James Eliot. I want to know how long he’s been watching us and what his motivations were for going into that fitting room and spying on my half naked fiancĂ©e,” he said tersely.

I digested that for a minute. “What are you going to do with the information you get?” I asked, sitting back up and wringing the water from my hair. “I need to get my hair cut.”

Edward laughed. “You’re incredibly random when you drink, love.”

My bottom lip jutted out. “Oh. Is it annoying?”

“Not at all. Quite entertaining, actually.”

I grinned widely. “Kay.”

“But don’t cut your hair. I like the way it falls over your shoulders more now.”

“You like it long?”

“Not necessarily long. I like it as it is. But it’s your hair, do what you want with it.”

“Well, I would say the same thing about your hair, but I don’t want you to cut it. Ever.”

He chuckled again. Apparently I was very amusing to sober Edward. “You’ll have no say this November.”

“What?” I shouted, a little louder than I’d intended.

“They’ll buzz it off in the middle of filming. You know this,” he replied.

But I’d completely forgotten. “Oh, all that hair,” I pouted. “All that shiny, coppery colored hair.”

“It grows back,” he said simply.


gossip_bangkok said...

hahahaha.. why does this teaser reminds me so much of what has happened today?? Yes, Rob cut his hair.. (I think some girls were thinking: "no he didn't....")
I'm loving it!
I can't wait for Paris! ;)
Ohhh, I can tweet now!
Can't wait for the chapter!
Thanks bb <3

Jenny0719 said...

Rob cut his hair? I did not know this. I wrote it yesterday. I went all Alice with this chapter, haha!

isha said...

LOL.. Yes Rob did cut his hair.. It was all over twitter yesterday.. & picture of him online was everywhere..

Okay.. Me either i don't believe Tyler.. I'm a bit skeptic tho.. But we'll see..

Looking forward to it..
thanks a bunch..

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