Monday, July 19, 2010

WYWG Ch 2 Teaser

“I need to contact the elders,” Sam interjected. “Find out where they want to go from here.”

In a move so fast I almost didn’t see it, Edward bent down to where his pants lay pooled on the ground and then held out his cell phone to Sam. “Would this help?”

“It would,” Sam acknowledged. “Thank you.”

Edward’s lips twitched with a smile at some unspoken thought of Sam’s. “Of course,” he replied.

He bent down to retrieve the rest of his clothes, handing me his boxers so that I had something other than his half-destroyed shirt covering me up.

I smirked down at the huge, gaping hole at the side of the button up after I’d slipped on his boxers. I’d obviously gotten a little carried away.

Edward saw the look on my face and chuckled. “What are you over there thinking about?”

I immediately blushed. “Nothing.”

“It’s something.”

The blush on my cheeks deepened. “I was just noticing how… carried away I got.”

He shook his head and flashed a crooked grin as he pulled me to him. “I can’t wait to do that again,” he whispered in my ear.

My eyes darted up from the blade of grass that had become so interesting in all of this. “Yeah?”

“My God, yes.”

I giggled and watched Sam come back over to hand Edward his phone. “The elders want to meet. You’ve been invited.”

“You’re fucking joking!” Paul shouted from behind us. “They invited the bloodsucker? What about the treaty?”

Sam laughed once. “I think the treaty’s dead, Paul. We’re currently standing in Cullen territory, and Edward’s not made an attempt to remove us-”

Paul rolled his eyes as he cut him off. “Whatever, we’ll take ourselves back to Quileute land and not come back. The leech can stay here. All are happy. The end.”

Sam exhaled sharply. “He’s her imprint, you idiot. Nothing you say or do is going to change that. You don’t have to like it, but you do have to accept it.” Sam turned his attention to everyone else. “Council meeting in thirty minutes. Let’s move.”


gossip_bangkok said...

hahahaha! LMAO! :)
Can't wait for this also!
Thanks bb!

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